''Nothing New'' is a web series created and produced by Syred Pictures in association with Mecagination Films. The story revolves around some friends living in Strasbourg and their professional and sexual lives. Based on a true story, the series was a public success (with an average of 250 000 free downloads for each episode, which set a record for a French web series). The series was also subtitled in English, Spanish and German. Nothing New has been noted for its usage of the 3D on its Season 2 Finale. It was the first time ever a web series had an episode in HD 3D. It was never made before for any other web series in the world. You had to wear red/blue glasses to see it in 3D (a 2D "standard" version was as well available). ==Characters== *Johannes Zimmermann - Played by Alban Greiner. *Maykel Stone - Played by Maykel Stone. *Arne Engel - Played by Dorian Martin. *Margaret Eleanor Ostwald-Walters - Played by Megane Lizier. *Gregory Venturini - Played by Steven Claire. *Isobel Devreaux - Played by Anaïs Rahm. *Esther List - Played by Esther List. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Nothing New (web series)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク